Has your inner critic got the upper hand?

Do you constantly feel like you’re failing? Telling yourself that you’re not enough.

Do you set yourself impossible standards?

Do you hold yourself back from what you really want because you don’t think that you’re good enough?

If you answer yes to any of these the Confidence Launchpad is for you. This ten lesson self-taught course is carefully designed to help you sky-rocket your confidence. In ten short video lessons with their accompanying workbooks, guides and bonus materials you will be given the tools to:

  • Increase your confidence levels so that you can trust your decisions and pursue your dreams.

  • Create more understanding about what makes you tick and give you the tools to ensure your mind is working for you, not against you. It's like a gym for the mind!

  • Let go of perfectionism and truly believe that you are good enough!

  • Replace limiting beliefs with more empowering ones!

  • Get your inner critic under control.

  • Listen to your inner mentor.

  • Launch your confident life!

All of this for just £147

Ignite your confidence, self-belief and self-esteem with seven days of journaling prompts.

Here’s what Kate had to say about her purchase: “I didn’t know what to expect when I purchased the journal prompt series from Clare but I knew I was a bit ‘stuck’ and was really keen to reinstate a journaling habit. I found each day’s emails helpfully challenging, thought provoking, and oftentimes I would find myself marvelling at just how it was that Clare was challenging me to think about things at just the right time. I have also found that saving the emails as a resource to look back on, or come back to if I needed longer to reflect before starting a particular day's exercise, has been really useful. I've since given more time to my journaling and know I wouldn't have without the kick that committing to the series gave me. Thank you Clare, you did it again - you knew what I needed even when I didn't!”

Get seven days of powerful coaching questions delivered straight to your inbox to help you tap into and unlock your confidence for just £17.

Ready for some personalised one-to-one support. Head over to the work with me page to find out more about how I can help and get your Jump-Start booked in!