Advent musings

Advent musings

Last December I called my blog about advent and the build up to Christmas, “The Joy of Anticipation”. That also turned out to be anticipation of joy being my word for 2022!

Despite this being one of the darkest months of the year I do love the build up to Christmas. Rather than bemoaning the fact it’s dark and cold I choose to embrace the warmth of Christmas excitement, fairy lights, candles, rehearsals for carol services. In fact I’m singing in a carol service this weekend.

Last advent was spent shielding with my mum while I was undergoing chemo and feeling pretty rotten. We were anticipating a Christmas alone to keep me safe and watching everyone else looking forward to celebrating Christmas without covid rules and restrictions. We could have ended up feeling really sorry for ourselves but instead we kept telling ourselves and everyone else. “It’s okay – we have our eye on Easter – it will be over by then.”

This year we get to enjoy everything the season has to offer. Christmas carols can make me cry at the best of times and I’ll be very surprised if I get through this Sunday’s carol service without shedding a tear. I’ve joined the local Anglican church choir for every Christmas carol service for the last ten years until we were thwarted first by covid then cancer. It will feel so good to be back.

It’s so easy to get caught up in worrying about what might happen, what next week, next month, next year might bring that we can forget to enjoy what is actually happening right now. I’m so glad that I chose joy as my word for 2022. My treatment didn’t finish until a few days after Easter and the fatigue I was left with was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’m still putting my life back together now, but despite all of that there have been so many moments of real joy this year because I’ve been focused on it, intentional about seeking it out. And I know that if life throws me another curve ball between now and Christmas (I’m ruling nothing out – I ended up with a broken ankle in September and having to cancel a long-awaited and much anticipated holiday!) I’ll still find the joy.

If you’d like to be more intentional about where you choose to place your focus in this coming year next week’s podcast will take you through the steps to choose your intention for 2023 so watch this space. In the meantime, make the most of this lovely time of anticipation as we build up to Christmas. Remember that you get to choose how you spend your time, energy and resources. Do Christmas (or not) and the build up to it in a way that will make you happy.

Before I go a reminder that my calendar is open for Confidence Jump-starts.

I’ll help you to start living life on your terms, not everyone else’s. Helping you to be more assertive, saying no to the things you don’t want to do and yes to taking action towards the life you want to lead!
And in the week after our call you get my support via email to help you as you begin to make changes.

The Confidence Jump-start is for you if you want 2023 to be different!

  • You’ve had enough of constantly spinning all the plates and doing all the things and feeling like you’re getting nowhere fast.

  • You've had enough of everyone else’s priorities coming higher up the list than yours.

  • You’ve had enough of not speaking up for what you need.

  • You’ve had enough of putting everyone else first.

  • You've had enough of imposter syndrome and feeling like a fraud.

  • You’ve had enough of waiting for things to change.
    Click here to secure your spot today.

This is what Katy, a lawyer had to say about her Confidence Jump-start, 

"I wanted to develop the confidence to feel that I was capable of doing the job. I wanted to learn to manage my self doubt and feel confident in the job that I was doing, as well as feeling confident in my own skin! We worked through ideas together with a view to improving my working and home life, which boosted my confidence. Who knew that I would enjoy talking about me for an hour! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Clare and I hope that our paths will cross again in the future."

Book your Confidence Jump-start today and let's get 2023 off to a flying start.

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

The four steps to forgiving yourself

The four steps to forgiving yourself