Advent - welcoming the light

Advent - welcoming the light

I love this time of year as we prepare for Christmas. Christmas this year though is going to be very different. Things that we normally look forward to won’t happen and family gatherings are going to be smaller. But in the wise words of my eight-year-old nephew, “The most important thing is that we keep granny safe!” I have to admit to feeling a huge amount of pride when he uttered those words!

I love Christmas. I love the music, the decorations, the church services, the giving and receiving of gifts, the time to spend with family. I love pretty much everything about it. Except stollen – can’t stand stollen! But I also love Advent. That special time of waiting and anticipation. A time to prepare for Christmas spiritually as well as getting that Christmas shopping done!

It really saddens me every year when all the shops, restaurants and radio stations act like Christmas is over on 27th December when in fact it only began on 25th. We peak too soon. For me Christmas lasts right to the Epiphany on 6th January so I don't need to start celebrating it in mid-November! That said, this year has been such a tough and dark one in so many ways I have put my tree and decorations up early to let that light and sparkle into my life.

Anticipation of an event, whether it’s your summer holiday, the birth of a child or indeed Christmas is as much a pleasure as the event itself. That excitement, the knowledge that something wonderful, outside ordinary daily life is going to happen is an important part of the process.

As a child I always had an Advent calendar. I loved the anticipation of opening that little door every morning at breakfast time, seeing what picture I got as we got closer and closer to Christmas. There didn't need to be chocolate or a toy in it for me to be excited to open it. In fact I don't think that there were calendars with toys in them - I'm showing my age now!

As an adult I like to read an Advent themed book every day. I have a couple of favourites that I re-read regularly, The Advent Calendar by Stephen Croft and The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder. Both are thought provoking helping me to focus on the meaning of Christmas.

This year I’m reading Lean Towards the Light this Advent and Christmas by Christine Aroney-Sine. It appealed to me as it begins with Celtic Advent on 15th November and runs right to the Epiphany on 6th January. I’m really enjoying the moment of reflection it brings to my day. As mum and I were in lockdown together we’ve been sharing this daily reflection and it really did bring a moment of peace and light into some dark November days.

I remember in my Advent reading one year a wonderful description of the season of Advent as being like watching for the dawn. The sky turning slowly from deepest black to navy as the light begins to appear on the horizon. You know the light is coming. It’s that anticipation of the wondrous moment.

During my Advent I enjoy both the religious and the secular preparation for Christmas. But, some years I admit that the busyness of December means that the spiritual preparation is neglected and those years the celebration of Christmas always feels a little hollow. No matter how lovely the gifts or food it feels a little empty to me. That spiritual anticipation of the feast of Christmas is important to me.

This year there will be no choir rehearsals for carol services and the church services I attend will be virtual. I could choose to focus on what I’m missing but instead I choose to focus on what I do have and to be grateful for that.

Whatever your faith or tradition I would encourage you too to use December, this Advent season to concentrate on more than just the consumerism of the season. Find ways to be mindful, grateful, intentional and take care of yourself so that come the celebrations you can be fully present with those you love rather than burnt out and disillusioned by the whole thing. And after the year we’ve had taking that time for yourself is more important than ever!

I have a new free download for you, Five Easy Ways to Grow your Confidence. Introduce these easy hints and tips to your daily life and you will also be feeling more confident by Christmas! Click here to get your free copy.

First-time nerves!

First-time nerves!

Start before you're ready!

Start before you're ready!