An Intentional Summer

An Intentional Summer

Summer is my favourite season. I love the long light days and warmth. I live in Britain so summer sunshine is never guaranteed but I always want to make the most of summer no matter what the weather.

A couple of years ago I began making a list of things I wanted to do and experience during summer to stop myself getting to my birthday at the beginning of autumn and wondering what on earth happened to my summer. I wrote this year’s list on the summer solstice and I've already managed to tick a few things off... I've been to the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy, I've drunk iced tea, I'm reading a summery novel. Also on my list are:

• Eat in my garden

• Drink rose wine in my mum's garden

• Drink iced coffee

• Cook a new seasonal recipe

• Walk on the beach

• Watch a sunset

• Read on the beach

• Buy sunflowers for my kitchen

• Posies of cut flowers from my garden

• A day trip to a beautiful garden

• Cook for friends

There are 23 items in total and they're all simple pleasures that will lead to me having an intentional summer. One when I am being present and relishing the moment. I truly believe that by being intentional about what we want and how we choose to spend our time, energy and indeed our money, we can have rich, fulfilling and happy lives, enjoying the journey. I have big dreams, big goals, but I want to enjoy getting there. I don't want to miss the many pleasures of summer being so focused on where I want to be by the end of the year.

How about you? What do you want from these next couple of (hopefully warm and sunny) summer months? How are you going to make sure you’re intentional?

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