Choosing to be intentional this autumn - what will bring you joy?

Choosing to be intentional this autumn - what will bring you joy?

I write my blog posts and record my podcasts well in advance of when they are released and then through the power of technology make sure that they are automated to go out on the correct day. It helps keep me sane knowing that if something unexpected happens, if I’m taking a holiday or life throws a curve ball you’ll still get a little bit of inspiration delivered to your inbox or podcast platform.

Over the summer that usually means being two months ahead of myself so that I can take most of August off just to be – a few weeks of being a human being instead of a human doing! Life, however, has just thrown me a major curveball. It's early August as I’m writing this and I have just received a cancer diagnosis. I’ve looked at the title of the blog that I’d planned for today again and again and wondered how on earth I’m going to write about being intentional this autumn.

I’ve put it off for a few days and considered just leaving it, but I realise that I may not be in a position to get this written nearer the time so here we go. The conclusion I have come to is all I can do is be honest with myself and write about what I hope I will be able to do this autumn no matter what treatment path I am on.

Being intentional is important as it means that we prioritise ourselves, not just other people. I set an intention each morning in order to approach the day in the most helpful way and I encourage my clients to do the same. If you are in my free facebook group, Pathways to Possibilities you’ll know that every Monday morning we start our week by setting an intention. The week I was waiting for my biopsy results one of the lovely members wrote that her intention was to smile often and the way I was feeling I decided to join her!

I choose to be intentional each season as it’s so easy in the busyness of life to miss out on the things we love because we assume that we’ll get around to it at some point but before we know where we are the summer is over and we never did get that walk on a beach or take that Sunday afternoon bike ride through the woods or visit the pick your own fruit farm. If we aren’t careful the things that could get done at any time end up not getting done at all.

A couple of autumns ago I called my blog “What will bring you joy this season?” and I’ve asked myself the same question today. No matter what is going on in my life what little things are going to bring me joy that I’d rather not miss? And this is what I came up with.

  • Decorate the house for autumn.

  • Swap my scented candles for warm vanillas and cinnamon.

  • Savouring a glass of red wine with my scented candles burning and the fairy lights lit.

  • Learn a new seasonal recipe.

  • Order and plant lots of lovely bulbs that will flower in the spring.

  • Refresh my garden pots with violas and primulas to brighten up the darker months.

  • Enjoy exploring my autumn wardrobe as the weather gets cooler.

  • Make the time to appreciate the autumn colour.

  • Walk through crunchy autumn leaves.

  • Walk in the nature reserve noticing the changes of the season.

  • Continue to have posies of cut flowers from my garden for as long as possible.

My list was modest last year thanks to ongoing lockdowns and restrictions. This year it's even more modest in terms of ambition but every single one of these things will bring me joy. The joy of a viola flowering even when it’s cold and wet. The joy of surrounding myself with the decorations I have carefully and thoughtfully curated over the last few years. The joy of appreciating the fabulous display nature puts on at this time of year.

I don’t know what life is going to look like for me this coming season and in some ways, I feel that living through the last 18 plus months of a global pandemic has prepared me to just take whatever is coming in my stride and not worry about what is or isn’t within my control.

I’m off to be very kind to myself. I hope you are too.

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