Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.

I’m planning on having an epic year. Yes, my word for 2021 is epic! I want to have an epic year helping women to transform their lives. I want them to flourish as they grow their confidence, clarity and courage. I want their confidence to shine as they learn to trust themselves and connect with what they really want from life!

Was epic the word that I thought would come out top when I shared my initial thoughts last week? No, I really didn’t. I thought it would be one of the first words to be crossed off my list. It just didn’t feel like the calm, introverted me, but when I sat down with my journal to think about what I want from this year the paragraph above is what I wrote. It seems that just like last year my inner wisdom is guiding me. Last year the word adventure surprised me. Epic feels like an even bigger surprise!

What is it that you want from this coming year?

Let me help you get there. I’m running a free five-day challenge in Facebook from 11th-15th January to help you to grow your confidence. It’s my mission to help at least 1,000 women to unlock your confidence this year so that you can change your life. After the year we’ve all just had I think that building our confidence is more important than ever!

This challenge is for you if:
✔There are things you dream of doing if only you felt more confident
✔You want to boost your self-belief
✔You’re ready to feel more in control of your own life setting boundaries for yourself and others
✔You want to feel supported by other women
even if you’re super busy, feeling overwhelmed, stressed or totally uninspired by life right now!

I’ve deliberately designed the challenge with busy women in mind. There will be a short five to ten minute video to watch each morning setting the day's task. The task itself will be something that you can fit into your day with relative ease. Then I pop into the group live each evening to answer questions, offer extra insights and cheer you on!

The Sunday following the challenge everyone who fully engaged with each task will be entered into a prize draw and two lucky people will win a one-to-one coaching session with me worth £150.

Click here to secure your free place now.

This is what some previous participants have to say about the challenge:

“Following the five day challenge I finally began to understand that the best way to be there for my family and work was to prioritise me for a proportion of my day. After all I did it for everything else in my life – why not me? Focusing on what makes me happy has put a bit of sparkle in my life making me happier, more productive and confident too! Clare has helped me massively in a very short space of time.” – Rebecca

“Thanks for running the challenge. I loved your friendly presence and encouragement in the group. The tasks were the right length for me to be able to engage and I enjoyed listening to the evening chats.

Clare has a compassionate and easy style making each person feel important and listened to, taking time to comment personally on each contribution. If you want this gentle yet personal support in your life Clare is the person to work with. Look out for her next five day challenge and see for yourself the difference it can make.” - Jeannette

And one participant, Sandra, commented in my Facebook group saying that she’d been successful at a job interview and “I couldn’t have done this without the belief in myself that came from your challenge. So really it’s not such a small thank you, it’s a life changing one.”

Why not give yourself the gift of five days growing your confidence. Who knows – it could be life changing for you too! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! You get my skills, knowledge and expertise as a confidence coach free for five whole days. One woman even joined Facebook just to do the challenge last time I ran it!

Here’s the link you need to sign up. Feel free to share it with your friends and family too! Let’s start as we mean to go on and get this 2021 confidence revolution started!

Nurturing ourselves this winter

Nurturing ourselves this winter

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!