What needs moving to your do it now list?

What needs moving to your do it now list?

I’m a great lover of lists. Always have been. I start every morning with my list in the todoist app on my phone and love getting things ticked off.

But, there’s always the risk that in dealing with the daily to-dos (the exercise, chores, business and life admin) we forget about or keep putting off the big stuff. I don’t mean the things that are harder or less fun to do like my self-assessment tax return. That was on my list daily for nearly a month before I finally did it! No, I mean the stuff that makes life worth living. The big dreams. The things that end the sentence, one day I’m going to….

I’ve said this before and I’m sure I’ll say it again – none of us know how long we’ve got. We have one precious life and it’s up to us to make the most of it. To do the things we dream of. To see the places, learn the skills, build the relationships, change the world for the better. But how many of us spend half our lives telling ourselves it’s not the right time. Or I’ll do it when. Or people like me don’t so perhaps I won’t even bother trying!

I challenge you (and me) to think about that one big thing we’ve been putting off. Telling ourselves that we’ll do it when. Telling ourselves that we’re not quite ready yet. Kidding ourselves that we’ve got all the time in the world and we’ll get to it one day.

Think of that thing. Remind yourself why you want it so much and then put it on the to-do list. Set a date. Make a plan. Start taking steps to make it a reality. Because life is too short to keep waiting. And there is a very good chance you will never feel ready. None of us ever do. Just start!

And if you think you’re going to need a bit of help making it happen, then today's the day to take advantage of my Black Friday offer and invest in yourself and your future.
Here is why you shouldn't pass up this opportunity:

  • Life is far too short and precious to keep putting off what you really want in life.

  • Taking time to stop, take stock of who you are now and what you really want can be life-changing.

  • Prioritising yourself and your needs allows you to say yes to creating a life you enjoy.

  • It’s time to be excited about your future.

  • It’s time to start taking action!

The Jump-start coaching package at a 50% reduction will be only available until 23:59 GMT on Saturday 25th November so don't wait too long. Use code BLACKFRIDAY50 at checkout.

Here's a reminder of what's included:

  • We’ll have a powerful 90 minute coaching session via zoom exploring what it is that you want and how you’re going to get there.

  • You’ll finish the session with an action plan to start making real changes.

  • Over the next fortnight you’ll have unlimited virtual support from me via the voxer app and email to help keep you on track and deal with any bumps in the road.

  • We’ll then have a further coaching session – 30 minutes to assess where you’re up to and what needs to happen next.

  • And if after the above you decide you want to continue working with me I discount the £148.50 you’ve paid from the cost of your one-to-one coaching package.

Get instant access NOW. Use code BLACKFRIDAY50 at the checkout to secure your 50% discount.

Don't wait until the New Year to make a resolution to invest in yourself.

Do it now and see the results before the end of the year.

But, if you’re looking at your calendar and you’re worried about how much is already in there between now and Christmas, secure your Jump-start today with the 50% discount and you can book your session in the New Year.

I promise you won't regret it.

Choosing to embrace winter

Choosing to embrace winter

You never know who's listening and who needs to hear what you have to say

You never know who's listening and who needs to hear what you have to say