Word for the year

Word for the year

I’m writing this in those days between Christmas and New Year that have an almost otherworldly quality to them for those of us on holiday from work. No one is quite sure of what day of the week it really is. Every day feels like Sunday. It’s the only time of the year when I buy a television magazine, in fact the buying of the Christmas Radio Times is an important marker in my countdown to Christmas. I enjoy going through it and circling everything I want to watch. It’s rare that I manage to watch it all, but there's something about these in between days that give permission to stop and just be.

It’s also the week when I give thought to what my word for the year is going to be. I don’t do New Year resolutions anymore. Not because I have anything against them. In fact, I’m pretty good at keeping them when I do set them. No, it’s because I’d rather set an intention for the whole year. A word to guide, remind and inspire me. The first year I did this I chose embrace. I wanted to embrace what life had to offer, new opportunities, new experiences, the people I love.

The following year my word was discernment. I think I sensed, even if I hadn’t articulated it yet that things needed to change. It was a year of making sure that I used the power of the Cycle of Discernment to examine my life and make the necessary changes. Out of that came my decision to do my coaching diploma and become a coach. It was a powerful word.

The third year I chose health because through my coaching training I’d realised that my number one value was my mental and physical health and yet I was prioritising work, studying and other people ahead of that. Everything felt out of kilter as a result. Twelve months of reminding myself daily of the importance of health, making my decisions grounded in the value I place on it and I was healthier, happier, more relaxed, more productive and more creative. Everyone benefitted, not just me.

This year my word was believe. Having made the decision to do a formal coaching qualification in 2017 this was the year I needed to believe in myself as I launched my coaching practice. The word has kept me focused and hopeful. It’s meant I’ve kept going when I’ve needed to leave my comfort zone and push way out into my stretch zone. It’s meant I’ve stuck to the plan. It’s meant I’ve believed in myself, other people and God. It’s been a great word for a great year.

How do I manage to remember the word and keep it at the forefront of my mind? Well, this year I left out a Christmas decoration that wasn’t too Christmassy with the word believe on it in front of my television. I bought two cushion covers for the living room that say, “She believed she could so she did”. I bought a cover for my phone that says “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” and I asked my mum to make me a card that says “Believe” to put in the front of my credit card holder so that every single time I’ve picked it up this year I’ve seen the word. It’s also set as a daily task in my to do list app on my phone. Together all these things reminded me to believe every single day.

So now to considering the word for 2020. I’ve been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks. I’m pretty sure I’m nearly there and that my mulling it over during these days between Christmas and New Year will get me to my final decision. I know that I want to make progress with my business, to enable me and the women I work with to grow, succeed, and feel the freedom of living the life that lights them up. This will take courage and creativity. It will be an adventure, give me cause to celebrate, make me happy and give me the sense of freedom in life that I value so much. So, all these words are currently in the running – progress, growth, success, freedom, courage, creativity, adventure, celebrate and happiness. I don’t know now, but I’m confident that by the time I serve lunch to my family on New Year’s Day and my sister asks, “So, what’s your word for this year?” I’ll know.

How about you? Do you have a word for the year?  Do you set New Year resolutions? Or both?

Make it work!

Make it work!

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice