2020 - the year of adventure?

2020 - the year of adventure?

It’s the last week of June. We’re halfway through the year, can you believe it? I know the year has not been at all what any of us expected. And there were moments in the midst of lockdown that it felt that April had lasted about three months alone but there is still a part of me really struggling to come to terms with the fact we’re half way through 2020 already.

Each year I choose a word for the year rather than setting New Year resolutions. I set an intention to live by for the year. This year after much thought and deliberation I chose adventure. When I looked at my plans and goals for the year adventure was the word that came to mind again and again.

There have been moments during the last three months that the word adventure has felt like a burden rather than a gift. How could any of the grief, difficulties, anxieties and restrictions of the pandemic and lockdown possibly be an adventure? I even stopped wearing my bracelet that reminded me of the word each time I looked down as I type.

At my lowest point, the week my grandfather died it felt like the least appropriate word I could have possibly chosen and then I read something that changed my mind. As I mentioned in my blog at the beginning of April I was reading Finding God in the Mess – Meditations for Mindful Living by Jim Deeds & Brendan McManus SJ as part of my Easter preparations. I started it late so didn’t finish reading it until 30th April. The very last paragraph of the book speaking of encountering God in the messiness of everyday life finishes with the words “It will be a great adventure.”

And that’s when it struck me. I didn’t plan any of this. So much is outside of my control at the moment. This year has become an adventure in faith and trust. Faith and trust in God but also faith and trust in myself and my fellow humans. Adventure is not just about boldly pursuing our dreams. Adventure is about facing whatever the world throws at us. Adventure is about having the faith to carry on when it’s really hard. Adventure is about being willing to think creatively and do things differently than you’ve done before.

In my consultancy business I’m usually booked up for the whole year by the time we reach the beginning of January. I know exactly where I’ll be and with whom every working day of the year. My calendar is still full but now nothing is guaranteed. I’m having to think creatively. I’ve been able to do some work from home – not much but some. I’ve introduced some clients to video calls which have been a revelation for them. By choosing to see this as an adventure in creativity and flexibility it feels less of a burden. I feel more in control.

So, there has been a blip in my year of adventure. A rethink and a reframe was required and I’m back on track. I won’t necessarily hit all the goals I set myself this year but that doesn’t matter. What matters is how I feel. What matters is my attitude. What matters is that I feel like I’m doing the best I can in the circumstances.

I know lots of you chose words as you shared them with me. How are you getting on? Hit reply and let me know.

If my story has resonated and you realise that you could do with some help getting back on track with your year my diary is still open for power hours.

After her hour with me Anna said,
“Clare helped me to gain clarity, calmness and take a step back to reflect on where I'd been, where I was and where I want to go.  Then most importantly, she helped me to focus on concrete ways to start to make that happen.”

While Becca said,
“Clare helped me put workable goals in place to stop the feeling of overwhelm. I have an action plan to move forward positively at work and on my side hustle. I have the tools in place now to deal with my current situation, the stresses of working during a pandemic and the mental energy to plan for the future.”

And this is what Clair had to say about her session,
“I needed help to find a way forward.  The session was at the end of a stressful week but through her questions Clare helped me to focus on what I really want in life. 
By the end of the session I felt motivated to do some real research into a part of my life that has always been a hobby.  I felt like I could have a new job in the same career but also pursue the other things I love in life, with the idea of changing my career in the coming few years.
Usually after a stressful week Saturday is a duvet day.  The Saturday following my session I woke feeling excited about starting the research and writing my CV.  I got up feeling focused and it was a really constructive day.”
This hour is for you if:

  • You want to cut through all that brain noise and get clarity about what is most important right now.

  • You want to feel calmer and more in control.

  • You want to refocus.

  • You want an action plan to move forward positively.

  • You want to feel more like you again!

Give yourself the gift of one hour of powerful coaching for just £97. Send me an email at clare@clarewalshcoaching.com to book your spot before my diary fills.

What would you do if you were more confident?

What would you do if you were more confident?

One year blogiversary

One year blogiversary