

A month ago I wrote about choosing my word for the year. I loved hearing what words you had chosen to shape your year. Among them were trust, nourish, focus, connection, acceptance, discipline, transformation and surrender. I love them all. The word I opted for in the end was adventure. That really surprised me as I don’t consider myself the adventurous type at all. Often the holidays and experiences that are marketed as adventures are the last thing you’d catch me doing. Zip wire? No thanks. Bungee jumping anyone? Not me. I remember a colleague years ago who was going to the gym several times a week and coming to work with blistered hands from the rowing machine as she was in training for her holiday in South America. All I kept thinking was that a holiday you have to train for is not a holiday! But, each to their own. Needless to say that the word adventure kept popping into my mind every time I was considering my word was a surprise.

So, what is it about the word adventure that resonated so much for me? Well, this year I want to make significant changes to my life. I want to change the way I work and run my businesses. I want to be more creative. I want to make a bigger impact. I want to help more women make significant changes to their lives. I want to get to the end of the year looking and feeling healthier. All the changes I want and need to make are outside of my comfort zone – aren’t they always! If I want to make a bigger impact I need to do things differently. If I want to makes changes to my lifestyle I need to behave differently. I need to be more focused and intentional than ever. I need to invest in myself both in terms of time and money. This could all seem really daunting. Even, dare I say it, a little scary. But that’s not how I want to see it. That’s not the mindset I want. No, what I want to do is focus on this being an adventure. Butterflies in my tummy at the thought of sending that email? Reminder to self – all the best adventures involve nervous excitement. Worried that I’ll put in the work and not get the results I want. Reminder to self – not everything will work but I won’t know what will or won’t unless I try. The adventure is in the trying. Let’s go, let's just see what happens.

A month in I'm happy to report that the adventurous attitude shift is helping. I’m doing the things that give me the butterflies. I’m trying new things and making progress. It feels exciting rather than scary.

How am I reminding myself that this is my attitude, my focus for the year? I have a beautiful mug and a framed print that say adventure and once again my lovely and talented mum is making me an insert for the front of my credit card holder so that every time I get it out (which is far too frequently) I see my word.

I hope that if you chose a word you’re managing to keep that focus you wanted. I’ll be checking in again about my 2020 adventure throughout the year.

If you'd like some help keeping that focus and creating the year and the life you desire then book a free exploratory call. I have two spots open for one-to-one clients. During the call we’ll explore:

  • The life that you want to live.

  • What obstacles are currently stopping you.

  • What’s most important to make progress on first.

And then, if it feels right, how we could work together.
I'm more than happy to discuss payment plans too.

So, make a decision, book that call and start your journey to find your unique path to the life that lights you up now, not at some undefined point in the future!



Holding things lightly

Holding things lightly