Are you making time for the things that bring you joy?

Are you making time for the things that bring you joy?

In March I wrote about what I wanted to ensure that I experienced during the spring months - lockdown restrictions allowing. My list included:

  • Posies of cut flowers from my garden

  • Giving the garden a good spring tidy

  • Savouring a cup of tea in the garden (even if I have to wrap up to do it)

  • Learning to cook a new seasonal recipe

  • Vases of daffodils and tulips

  • Eating a meal outside

  • Celebrating Easter

  • Rediscovering my spring wardrobe

  • Starting to run again and getting out for weekly runs in the nature reserve so I can watch the season change and develop

  • Learn to recognise even more bird songs

  • A walk on the beach (I’ll be relying on lockdown restrictions to lift for this one!)

Despite having one of the coldest springs on record I’ve managed most of these except the posies of cut flowers from my garden. Thanks to a garden revamp and the cold spring there aren’t quite enough blooms to bring them into the house yet. That said I made the most of the daffodil season adding four bunches to every grocery delivery.

I have to admit to not going out running at all. I just realised that I didn’t want to run. But, I have been out for daily walks and most of them in the nature reserve near my home or in the woods near my mum’s house. I have loved watching the season change and develop. It’s was a late spring thanks to the weather and so the trees greened up very slowly, but it was such a joy to spot the first bluebells and wild garlic, to hear the bird song, spot the first ducklings. I may go into the woods stressed some days but I always come out soothed!

We’re now moving into the summer months and so my mind has turned to being intentional about making sure I make the most of the lovely long, light and hopefully warm days. As always this list is not about work or business targets or goals. No, this is a list of the things that feed my soul and restore my spirits. As I write we still don’t know when or if all restrictions will be lifted but here is my summer wish list:

  • Eat as many meals as possible in the garden

  • Posies of cut flowers from my garden

  • Finish my garden revamp

  • Enjoy rediscovering my summer wardrobe

  • As many beach walks as possible

  • Watch the sun set over the sea

  • Draw outside

  • See friends in real life!

  • Spend time with family indoors and finally hug!

Those last two things I never thought I would need to write but we’re living through strange times!

Why do I write these lists? I mean surely if these are the things I enjoy I should just do them anyway? The thing is though, and I see this in my friends and clients so I know it’s not just me, things that can get done at any time can end up not being done at all. How often do your priorities end up at the bottom of your list? I know that if I’m not careful I will be so busy prioritising my goals and tasks for my business and clients that the fun things, the events that feed my soul and bring me joy can end up getting sidelined. The daily walk becomes every other day and then just a couple of times a week. The time with other people gets put off because I tell myself I’m too busy. The two minutes it will take to unlock the back door and sort a chair to eat lunch outside becomes a bit of an effort.  I forget to take time to just be because I’m too busy doing. And I truly believe that the summer is the perfect time to reconnect with being a human being rather than a human doing!

I encourage you to think about your priorities this summer and take some time to ensure that you are prioritising doing the things that bring you joy. The things that bring light to your life and feed your soul. When I look at my list it mainly consists of things that give me the space to breathe and just be. A garden revamp may sound like hard work but we’re up to the fun stuff – planning what plants I want and getting them in the ground. Be honest with yourself. Take a little time to think about what will bring you light and joy this summer and make the space for it.

If you would like some help in focusing on yourself and prioritising your priorities I have spots available for Confidence Jump-Starts. We'll have an incredibly powerful hour of coaching identifying the mindset shifts and changes that will create the change you so desire. You'll finish the hour with your unique action plan and have seven days of email support to help keep you accountable and on track as you begin to move towards that life that lights you up!
Over the past year women have used these hours to:
🚀 Move past procrastination and self-sabotage.
🚀 Let go of feelings of overwhelm and create a more positive mindset
🚀 Put her inner critic in her place and put together an action plan to feel more confident at work.
🚀 Get clarity about what's most important and put an action plan together to get her spark back and feel like her again!
The cost is just £97 for a full hour of coaching and a whole week of coaching support. Here’ the link you need to secure your spot.

So, go make that list, even if it's just in your head of all the things you'd love your summer to include and make a start on them.

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