It's my second blogiversary

It's my second blogiversary

I can’t believe that it’s two years ago since my website went live and I published my first blog after what felt like weeks of work and the steepest of tech learning curves. So much has changed in those last two years, a lot of which has been unexpected – yes covid-19 I’m looking at you! But, some of those changes have been planned and welcomed.

In December, after weeks of work with the very talented designer, Cathy Allenby I launched my new branding. Six months on I think I’m even more in love with it now than I was then. Dragonflies represent change, growth, happiness and new beginnings, all the things that I want for my clients and for me! I love it every time I see the dragonfly on my logo on one of my social media posts or the top of my emails.

Another big change was the launch of my podcast, Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh. This also happened in December. As a result, in January I took the decision to make the blog fortnightly rather than weekly as even with a professional podcast producer dealing with the editing the podcast is still a lot of work!

Making the decision to make the podcast and blog alternate Thursdays was the right one for me and means that writing both of them is very much a joy and a pleasure rather than a burden. I think it’s so important to enjoy what we’re doing. This is something I talk about with my clients regularly. A rich, fulfilling life is one where we are enjoying what we’re doing rather than feeling burdened by it.

Last year, to mark the first birthday of the blog I re-shared the first blog I wrote. This year I want to highlight 12 blogs from the last year that I think contain little gems – advice that we all need to hear! I’ll link them all so that you don’t have to go hunting!

I’m aware that there are lots of lovely new readers of my weekly newsletter so unless you’ve gone and visited my blog page you will have missed a lot of these. I hope you enjoy this selection. You may want to bookmark this blog so that you can click on the relevant link when life is challenging.

Thank you for your support over the last two years. I love reading all the replies I get to my weekly email.

Here’s to another twelve months of growing in confidence together!

The importance of doing the inner work to feel confident

The importance of doing the inner work to feel confident

Are you making time for the things that bring you joy?

Are you making time for the things that bring you joy?