Choosing to be intentional this winter

Choosing to be intentional this winter

It’s that time of year again. It’s a month since the clocks went back and only a month away from the shortest day. I have made no secret of the fact that I find winter tricky. Seasonal affected disorder means that my mood can take a nosedive and my anxiety levels rocket. Not fun. Regular readers will know that every season I choose to be intentional about the things I want to savour and enjoy. This is especially important to me in winter to look after my wellbeing and mental health.

This year it is more important than ever although I’m pretty sure I wrote that last year too thanks to the pandemic. This year I’m in the midst of chemotherapy treatment and to say it has been a rough ride so far is an understatement. It means that thanks to how clinically vulnerable I am there are lots of things over Christmas and New Year especially that I won’t be able to take part in. The risk of catching any infection, never mind covid is far too great.

In some ways the pandemic restrictions prepared me for this beautifully! Last year thanks to lockdown it was just me and mum for Christmas with no opportunities to attend carol services or Christmas Mass. Instead it was all watched via webcams. But we enjoyed ourselves. We planned things we knew we would enjoy and didn’t want to miss. We had our own carol service. We took a stroll around the estate to look at all the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve before we watched the Mass on mum’s laptop. Instead of mourning what we couldn’t do we choose to enjoy what we could do.

So, as I sit down to write my list of the things I want to enjoy and savour this winter I do it with my current limitations in mind. In some ways this is making me be even more intentional and creative.

  • Enjoy rich warming casseroles made in the slow cooker.

  • Walk on a cold crisp day with a big blue sky.

  • Enjoy lots of candles and fairy lights throughout the season (not just Christmas!)

  • Savour the first walk wrapped up in a thick scarf, gloves and hat.

  • Enjoy a hot drink outside on a cold, crisp day.

  • Create some winter mocktails (no alcohol for me at the moment)

  • Cook a new seasonal recipe.

  • Create a hygge atmosphere in the house – seasonal decorations and faux fur blankets.

  • Decorating the house for Christmas – I really want to enjoy this, I just hope I have the energy

  • Listening to Christmas carols

  • Reading Christmassy books

  • Watching Christmas films

  • Wrapping Christmas presents

  • Writing Christmas cards

  • Savouring my first mince pie of the season.

  • Spotting the first snowdrops.

As I look at the list I realise that some of the things on it could very easily feel like chores – like the wrapping of presents and writing of cards. By putting them on this list it gives me the mindset of wanting to make those activities as enjoyable as possible.

Now, I know that all the things are subject to my energy levels and how well I feel but I’ve created a list that makes me feel good when I read it and has a real sense of anticipation and that’s what’s important.

I encourage you to think about what you want to enjoy this season too. This is about the things you want to savour and enjoy. It’s not about your life goals or what you want to achieve. Instead this is your list of things that you really don’t want to miss. The things that could so easily just pass you by in the busyness of life unless you are intentional about doing them. As the saying goes, what can be done at any time often gets done at no time. In other words be intentional and plan it.

I keep the list in my journal and make a note of the date I plan to do or experience the thing I want and tick them off as I go. Looking at it every week or so helps me to make sure I don’t miss anything. This is after all not a list of chores but a list of things that will bring me joy. The things that will feed me, body and soul.

What will be on your list of things to savour and enjoy this winter season?

The joy of anticipation

The joy of anticipation

