How do you feel about change?

How do you feel about change?

Happy February! Spring is definitely on the way. The snowdrops are blooming in my front garden and the bulbs are all coming up in the pots on my patio. It's so hopeful and brings a smile to my face. I love signs of the changing seasons which brings me nicely to today's topic. How do you feel about change?

I have a lot of clients who tell me that they don’t like change, that they don’t cope with it well. But, more often than not it turns out to be a story they’ve been telling themselves for years rather than a truth! When I ask, “Oh, so you don’t like going on holiday?” or “You’ve never wanted to change job or move house or leave home or go to university…?” it starts my client thinking. The truth is that lots of us find some changes in our lives uncomfortable but change can also be longed for, it can be exciting, it can be a relief from boredom and monotony. But when we keep repeating the words, “I don’t like change” to ourselves, then guess what, we make change uncomfortable, we make ourselves fearful and we make things harder and less enjoyable that they could be.

Does this sound familiar? Are you telling yourself that you don’t like change? Our brains are wonderful things that will find evidence of whatever we’re telling ourselves. So, if you’re telling yourself that you don’t like change your brain will keep you presenting you with evidence of the truth of that statement even if it’s only true 50% of the time or even only 10% of the time. Your wonderful mind will not go off and present you with the evidence of the opposite unless you ask it to. Start telling yourself that I find change exciting or I really enjoy change and your mind will start presenting you with evidence of the truth of that statement from your own memories. Like the time you moved office and although it was a huge logistical effort you much preferred your new workspace. Or the time when instead of your usual Friday night dinner in front of the TV with a glass of wine your partner surprised you by organising a babysitter and whisking you away for a night. Or when you got a new manager at work and you were worried sick about all the changes she wanted to implement but ended up much happier and feeling more valued.

Try it! It works. Even if you don’t start coming up with happy memories just by repeating to yourself a more positive statement like “I enjoy change” you’ll find change less challenging when it comes.

So why am I talking about this now? Well, the more observant among you will have noticed that there has been some change around here. New logo and branding colours and the blog is now fortnightly as every other week I’m now releasing a podcast episode. My lovely new branding that the very talented Cathy Allenby designed for me features a beautiful dragonfly.

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I’ve always loved dragonflies and shared with Cathy that whenever anything major happens in my life – a change or a big decision needs to be made - I see dragonflies and I always find their presence a reassurance that I’m on the right path and everything is going to be okay.

Last summer I decided to make a major investment in my business. It was a big step but I felt it was the right decision. Literally seconds after I decided yes, I was going for it a dragonfly tapped on my office window, one storey up! This has never happened before or since!

In the early autumn I was out on my lunchtime walk praying about something I was really worried about and in the moment I said, “God, I’m giving this to you” three dragonflies started dancing around me. I stood there in amazement.

I'm not superstitious and I never consciously go looking for the dragonflies but they appear in those moments. So, when the first drafts of my new branding came through and every single version of the design included a dragonfly I was thrilled. In the end I chose the flying dragonfly as to me it represents the women I work with flying into a brighter, happier future.

Despite this love of dragonflies, it’s only in the last week that I actually looked up their spiritual meaning and they represent change, growth, happiness and new beginnings, all the things that I want for my clients and for me! So now I’m even more delighted that my logo is a dragonfly!

I help women to unlock your confidence, clarity and courage so that you can change your life. Yes, I believe whole heartedly that change is a good thing. Not change for changes sake but change so that our lives are rich, fulfilling and make us want to get out of bed in the morning!

I’m passionate about helping as many women as I can this year to unlock their confidence. So far I’ve launched my podcast, run a free Grow Your Confidence Challenge, released a free download, Five Easy Ways to Grow Your Confidence and the next round of my group coaching programme has just started. To help you even further I’ve released seven days of journaling prompts to help you to ignite your confidence and self-belief. For just £17 you will have a powerful journaling prompt delivered direct to your inbox each day to help you to ignite your confidence, self-belief and self-esteem. Journaling is such a powerful way of tapping into the power of our minds and reflecting positively on who we are and what we are capable of. It’s yours for just £17.

Worrying about what other people think

Worrying about what other people think

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