Is this it?

Is this it?

At this time of year when we've had the Christmas break from work to reflect, and especially at the beginning of a new decade, so many of us have big plans of how "things are going to be different this year". This will be the year when I'll feel happy and fulfilled. You may have an idea of what that would mean for you. Perhaps taking better care of your health, changing career, starting your own business, finding love or relocating. Or, perhaps you don't really know what "different" will entail, but you know something needs to change.

I know I'm not alone, not by any means, in admitting that there have been times in my life when I've looked around and asked myself, "Is this it?". Times when I've had everything I wanted and everything I'd worked so hard to get and yet felt unfulfilled and unhappy. It's not a nice feeling and we can end up feeling guilty for wanting more. For admitting that this isn't enough.

When I was doing my coaching qualification I coached women in return for testimonials. This is normal good practice. Learning and honing your skills through practice before you start charging money for your services. Every single one of those women told me that they would never have considered hiring a coach prior to working with me. And every single one of them at the end of our time together told me that not only had it been incredibly beneficial to them but they thought most people would benefit from being coached. Their friends, colleagues, siblings, partners. They realised that not only had they achieved or got so much nearer to achieving their goals but they'd learnt so much about themselves in the process. Confidence had been built. Stories about not believing they were good enough challenged and perfectionism released to name but a few. They felt transformed by the process and, yes, happier and more fulfilled. They were now confident that they were working towards goals that were grounded in their values in each area of their life. They felt a sense of achievement and hopeful about the future.

A few weeks ago a friend reported a conversation with her new manager during which I'd been mentioned. Her manager ended the conversation with a heartfelt, "I wish I had a friend who is a life coach." Now that got me thinking. Yes, my friend had rung me to talk over an issue she had and with her permission I did end up putting my coaching hat on to help her sort through her options. But, you don't want a friend to life coach you. I've known this friend since we were both three years of age. That's far too much backstory for me to be detached and objective. What you want is a life coach. Drop the friend bit! And why shouldn't you have a coach? It isn't just for the rich, famous or hyper successful business people. It's for everyone. It's for you!

Did you know that in Britain when someone wins the jackpot on the lottery the professionals they're connected with to help them deal with the huge windfall not only includes financial and banking experts but life coaches? Think about it, it makes sense. All that money and the changes it could and will mean for your life. Having access to a coach who can help you work out what's most important to you, in line with your values, and help you to move towards that makes so much sense. And the thing is you don't have to be a millionaire, new or otherwise, to have that access to coaching. It's available to all of us.

Think about how many years you've made promises about how this year will be different. Think about how long you've felt a sense of unease about the status quo. Think about how long you've felt like you're treading water. Why not make this year different? Why not make this year the one when you really stop and take a good look at your life and work out what needs to change for you to feel happier and fulfilled. Why not hire a coach and start this year, this decade as you mean to go on? 

Perhaps you're thinking, "But I don't know what needs to change so what's the point in hiring a coach?" Well, although a fully qualified and certified coach I like to think of myself as the inner wisdom whisperer. In my signature one-to-one coaching programme I help my clients to look at their whole life so that they can work out what areas require change, where they need to place their focus. I combine the power of coaching with the Cycle of Discernment, teaching them how to listen to and trust their inner wisdom so that they can make decisions with their head and their heart to create their own unique path to the life that lights them up. Your life, your way. Now, not at some undefined point in the future. The coaching sessions are over the internet or phone so you don't have to worry about being able to get to me. My clients have access to me via email and via the voxer app between calls and I endeavor to respond within 24 hours on a week day and 48 hours at the weekend and public holidays. This helps my clients to stay focused and helps with accountability to create the change they want to see in their life.

To find out more book a free 20 minute call. During the call we’ll explore:

  • The life that you want to live.

  • What obstacles are currently stopping you.

  • What’s most important to make progress on first.

And then, if it feels right, how we could work together.

If not now, when? Make this year different. Remember coaching is for you too - not just those lucky lotto winners! In fact, I'm more than happy to discuss payment plans. Click here to book your call.

Holding things lightly

Holding things lightly

Make it work!

Make it work!