Planning for joy!

Planning for joy!

Before beginning to write this blog I looked back over my autumn posts for the last few years and realised that it was this time last year that I finally told you about my cancer diagnosis. Despite the fact I was about to head into the unknown I still chose to ask myself what would bring me joy during autumn.

Looking back, though I thought my curated list of small pleasures would be quite easy to fulfil even during chemo I was wrong. There were things that were way beyond my energy levels – the spring bulbs never got ordered, never mind planted.  Things that I would usually enjoy – like a glass of red wine or lovely scented candles – that my sense of smell and taste said a resounding no to. But all that said, I got to the end of the year and chose joy as my word for 2022. Even though I knew the chemo wasn’t over and the radiotherapy was yet to come I had not given up on joy. On finding the awe and wonder in the everyday.

What I thought would be a tough few months turned into a really hard year. I’ve taken the summer to try to build up my mental and physical strength again and here we are heading into autumn again and I'm determined to seek out and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. To notice the everyday wonder and awe of life, of nature, of living. And so I’ve put my list together. In no particular order here are some of the things that will bring me real joy this season that I don’t want to miss.

  • Decorate the house for autumn.

  • Swap my scented candles for warm vanillas and cinnamon.

  • Savour a glass of red wine with my scented candles burning and the fairy lights lit.

  • Learn a new seasonal recipe.

  • Order and plant lots of lovely bulbs that will flower in the spring.

  • Refresh my garden pots with violas and primulas to brighten up the darker months.

  • Enjoy exploring my autumn wardrobe as the weather gets cooler.

  • Make the time to appreciate the autumn colour.

  • Walk through crunchy autumn leaves.

  • Walk in the nature reserve noticing the changes of the season.

  • Continue to have posies of cut flowers from my garden for as long as possible.

  • Get outside in the fresh air for a walk or run every day that I possibly can!

  • A weekend in London.

  • A lovely holiday.

  • Cook for family and friends.

  • Sing in a choir.

We all have simple pleasures in life that are all too easy to miss. The things that we know we could do at any time – like go out for that walk to appreciate the autumn colour – can end up not getting done because we haven’t set the intention. Put the things you know you don’t want to miss down on paper, or in your phone, somewhere that you’ll see them then make a point of putting one or two of them in your calendar each week so that they’re not missed. These things feed our souls. They give us the rest we need from the everyday. They give us the chance to rest and nourish ourselves.

Plan for joy this season!

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