What's your why? — Clare Walsh Coaching
What's your why?

What's your why?

In my blog at the beginning of September I wrote about how September is a chance for a fresh new start and took you through ways to identify what you want to achieve and how to start taking the steps to get yourself there.

One of the things I talked about in that blog was ways of keeping yourself accountable. How are you getting on? We’re half way through October – are you taking the action you promised yourself you would?

If not, fear not! I’ve got you!

It’s very easy to start with really good intentions and then quickly realise that we’re not doing the things we’ve said we want to do, that we’ve said we’d like to do even.

Often when we’re trying to achieve something new or different it’s uncomfortable and most of us don’t enjoy that discomfort. It takes practice to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable! Something I talked about a lot in recent podcast episodes – episode 43 Are you being truly you? and episode 44 Choose faith over fear. Go and have a listen if you haven’t already.

When there is something we really want to achieve and we’re just not taking action to get there I always take my clients back to their why. Why do you want to achieve this in the first place?

Find yourself a little bit of mental and physical space. Sit down with something to write on and ask yourself why you want this.

  • What is it about what you want to be, to do or to have in your life that if lighting you up?

  • What’s getting you excited about it?

  • What makes it so important?

  • What is it going to give you when you make this change, achieve this desire?

  • What is that going to mean for the other areas of your life?

Really dig deep and keep asking yourself what else. If you’re saving money what are those savings going to give you eventually? What will that mean for your family? For your future? The experiences you will be able to have? The memories you will be able to create?

Take that time to get a really vivid picture of why you want this and what it’s going to mean for your future and then go back to your list of possible actions to get there, choose one and take action!

I’m going to leave it here for today as I want you to get your pen out, start writing and take action – your dreams for your life deserve it!

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