Ten podcast episodes to create real change

Ten podcast episodes to create real change

At the end of March I provided you with some pointers to past blogs that would help you with the inner work and moving into action to help you build your confidence, clarity and courage. This week I thought it would be useful to highlight some of the podcast topics that I’ve covered over the last 16 months of podcasting!

I know some of you have listened to every single podcast and there are some of you who may have never listened to a podcast of any description in your life and there are many of you who are somewhere in between. If you have listened to them all I hope this will be a useful reminder. If you’ve listened to some this will point you in the direction of some other very useful episodes and if you’ve never listened perhaps this will tempt you to start! The episodes are all around 15 minutes so don’t take up too much time and the beauty of a podcast – you can be doing other things while you listen.

You don’t have to take my word for how useful listening to the podcast is. As one reviewer on Apple Podcasts put it, “Such an inspiring and interesting listen and so easy to act upon when things are unlocked by Clare’s gentle but thought provoking and motivating approach. Recommend you listen to this – it will change your life!”

So, using the words of my reviewer, these are the ten episodes that I think have the most potential to create real changes in your life!

  • Episode 6 Letting go of perfectionism

  • Episode 8 Saying no with confidence and without the guilt

  • Episode 14 The power of believing “I am enough”!

  • Episode 22 Dealing with criticism and praise! Detaching yourself from the opinions of others

  • Episode 27 Building resilience

  • Episode 31 Is it time to stop saying sorry?

  • Episode 32 The dark side of people pleasing

  • Episode 34 The power of acting the way you want to feel

  • Episodes 36 and 37 Cultivating self-esteem

You can listen on all major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Audible and Amazon Music. If you want to listen via your computer browser rather than through an app this is a good link.

I hope you find a gem or two that help you where you are in your life right now. If you’re a regular listener I’d love to hear which episodes have been the most powerful for you. And as always it would be so helpful if you would take a moment to rate and review the podcast wherever you listen as it really does help others to find it!

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