A joyful Easter

A joyful Easter

Whether you celebrate Easter as a Christian, as a secular long weekend with bonus chocolate or as a festival of spring I wish you joy and happiness. This Easter feels like it’s been a long time coming. Since last August when I had my surgery and my chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimes were being discussed mum and I have been thinking ahead to Easter with the words “it will all be over by then.” It turns out not quite over but the light at the end of the tunnel is almost blinding it’s so close now.

I love Easter. Not only is it the most important festival in the Christian calendar but it coincides with my favourite season. I love spring, the light evenings, the abundance of flowers and blossoms and the anticipation of the warmer weather or summer to come. This year I’m so very grateful to have reached this point. In some ways the coming weeks and months are still a little daunting as I recover, mentally and physically from gruelling treatment and adjust to a new way of being. Getting back to “normal” life with an immune system that is still compromised after months of shielding to keep myself safe is a big step but like I always say to my clients there is never a need to try to and leap across a river in one step, instead use the steppingstones to get across and take your time.

I have been writing a list since my diagnosis of things to look forward to when my treatment was over. Some are my ideas, some are things that friends and relations have say they want to enjoy with me once I’m out and about again. The list includes spa days, afternoon teas, shopping trips, visits to museums and art galleries and meals out. All lovely things that I’m looking forward to but I’m going to make sure that I take my time and do this at my own pace for the sake of body and mind!

This weekend there will be good food, chocolate and Easter cheer! However you’re spending the weekend I hope you have a lovely, joyous time.

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