The power of journaling

The power of journaling

I’m a great believer in journaling. It helps me to sort out my thoughts, to tap into my subconscious, to come up with solutions to problems and connect with my own wisdom. I hear so many women though saying that they'd love to journal but they just don't know where to start. Hopefully this will give you a few helpful pointers!

Before I started to write this I went and had a little google to see what other people have to say about the power of journaling. An article in Psychology Today said that, “Over the past couple of decades, dozens of studies have shown that certain journaling practices can positively impact a variety of outcomes, including happiness, goal attainment, and even some aspects of physical health.”

I know that when my mindset is less than helpful – yes that absolutely happens to coaches too – getting my journal out and writing really helps. But I can hear some of you saying from here, what do you write? What am I meant to write when I’m sitting there with that blank page and the pen in my hand?

I understand. I have those moments when I sit and look at that page and know that I need to sort my head out but where do I start? In those moments I find having questions to prompt me is really helpful. One of my favourite questions is “What do I need from me today?” And then I just start writing. I don’t overthink it. I don’t worry about full sentences or grammar, I just write and see what comes up. Sometimes it’s rest, love, self-care or it might be focus, fresh air, some exercise, time off. It’s a great one to get you started.

I also love a brain dump although this can be an exercise that takes a little while. When I have so much going on that I no longer feel as though I’m thinking straight or I’m feeling overwhelmed I find that sitting down with a cup of tea or a glass of wine and my journal and getting everything out onto the page really helps. More often than not in writing out the things that are bothering me from the small irritations in life to the bigger stuff helps not only to calm my mind but to get perspective and find solutions. The act of writing it out makes me realise that some things aren’t actually worth worrying about. Ideas come to me about how I can deal with the things that are taking up my mental space and overwhelming me. I always finish the session feeling calmer and more positive and not just because I’ve been drinking a glass of wine! If nothing else, getting it all down on paper means I no longer feel the need to go over and over it in my head!

I think that journaling is a wonderful way of tapping into our own wisdom. That wise part of us that does have the answers. Very different from the inner critic who is often giving a running commentary on our day to day life! Think of it as your inner mentor rather than inner critic! By giving ourselves the quiet and space to think and write we can tap into that wonderful wisdom that we all have in us.

Journaling is also a great way of shifting mindset and creating more positive beliefs and behaviours. I believe it’s a fabulous tool for building confidence and I have seen the benefits time and again in my clients. I wanted to bring this to more than just my one-to-one clients and so I created seven days of journaling prompts to help you to ignite your confidence, self-belief and self-esteem. Each day for a week a powerful journaling question is emailed to you to help you focus your thoughts and ideas in your journal. It’s up to you how much time you spend on the questions but as little as ten minutes each day will make a difference.

Although the questions arrive daily for a week you can choose to work through them more slowly if you wish and you can of course revisit those questions as often as you like. I’m passionate about helping as many women as I can to unlock their confidence so that they can change their lives and so I’ve put this together for you for just £17. I wanted to make it as affordable as possible. Here’s the link you need to sign up now and get started on your journaling journey to confidence and self-belief.

Happy writing!

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