Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air at last!

Before I started writing this I went and looked up the blog I wrote about spring last year. I wrote, “Even though I love this time of year I still ensure that I’m intentional so that I don’t let it pass me by unnoticed. I think that's even more important this year. With so much disruption to our daily lives and so much worry and uncertainty brought about by covid-19 spring could pass us by without us even noticing. As a a good friend posted on instagram, "Spring has suddenly appeared while we were distracted!"”

I never imagined for one moment that 12 months on we would still be in the midst of disruption, worry and uncertainty thanks to covid. All the more reason for approaching this season of hope and new life with the intention to make the most of it no matter what!

Three national lockdowns and the local lockdowns in between have taught me to be even more appreciative of mother nature and the green spaces around me. During February I even began to teach myself to recognise different bird songs. Something I always thought too difficult, but it turned out to be far easier than I thought and has brought me enormous amounts of joy.

Over the last few weeks I’ve got back into the habit of taking a daily walk. Something I’d let lapse during the two weeks we had snow and ice in January and had to make a conscious effort to start up again during February.

It feels like the world is brimming with life, energy and colour after the winter. That’s how I want to feel too. To that end I’ve written my list of things I want to ensure I do and experience in the coming months. They include:

  • Posies of cut flowers from my garden

  • Giving the garden a good spring tidy

  • Savouring a cup of tea in the garden (even if I have to wrap up to do it)

  • Learning to cook a new seasonal recipe

  • Vases of daffodils and tulips

  • Eating a meal outside

  • Celebrating Easter

  • Rediscovering my spring wardrobe

  • Starting to run again and getting out for weekly runs in the nature reserve so I can watch the season change and develop

  • Learn to recognise even more bird songs

  • A walk on the beach (I’ll be relying on lockdown restrictions to lift for this one!)

I’m looking forward to the energy that the lighter mornings and evenings bring me. Seeing children playing outside and hearing their laughter. Seeing neighbours now we aren’t dashing into our houses to get out of the dark and cold. I'm hoping that even with social distancing we manage to speak at least!

I intend to use this extra energy to work on the goals and projects that are important to me, mixed in with plenty of downtime and fun too. I want to live by my word for the year – epic. No, I’ve not forgotten. How about you – is your word for the year still at the forefront of your mind?

So how epic has it been so far?

Well, my podcast is going from strength to strength. Episode eight was released last Thursday and episodes nine and ten are already recorded and ready for release. So far we’ve covered some really juicy topics including letting go of perfectionism, why we procrastinate and what we can do about it, the importance of trusting ourselves and how to say no with confidence and without the guilt. You can listen on all major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music and Stitcher.

I ran my free Grow Your Confidence Challenge in January. It was the biggest one yet and the feedback was fabulous. “The best one yet” declared one participant who has taken part in all three. I had a great time running it and truly did feel epic!

My group coaching programme, Your Pathway to Confidence, Clarity and Courage finishes this week. We have seen so much growth in confidence and self-belief over the last five weeks. The participants have blossomed and it’s been such a privilege to see.

I launched the Confidence Jump-Start. Your opportunity to ignite your confidence and move into action. We'll identify the mindset shifts and changes that will create the change you so desire.  You'll finish the hour with your unique action plan and have seven days of email support to help keep you accountable and on track! The sessions that we’ve had so far have truly been epic! I have more slots open this month if you’d like to secure one before they all go!

I’d say that’s not bad going considering we’re only at the very start of the third month of the year!
What are you most looking forward to this spring?

The power of journaling

The power of journaling

Worrying about what other people think

Worrying about what other people think