What leap will you make this year?

What leap will you make this year?

The idea that we get an extra day every fourth year fascinated me as a child. The tradition that women could propose marriage on 29th February did little to interest me, but I always wondered what would happen if your birthday was 29th February. When would you celebrate on the years without a 29th? 28th or 1st March? Important questions to a seven-year-old. Now though, the question that keeps springing to mind is “what leap will you make this year?” It’s popped into my head every time someone has mentioned the fact that 2020 is a leap year. I think it’s probably connected to my word for 2020 being adventure. The idea that I may take a great leap forward or a leap into the unknown.

I think it’s a question that’s worth pondering as all the big shifts in my life have taken a leap - usually a leap of faith. Like starting my own business when I was made redundant. I knew it was the right thing to do but it was so far out of my comfort zone it took immense courage and a leap of faith. I leaped and I never looked back.

Two years ago I decided to invest in myself and qualify as a coach. That investment in both time and money took a leap of faith but again, I've never looked back. I'm so glad I did it. It took confidence in my abilities and courage to walk into a room of 200 strangers that first weekend. But I did it.

I’m very good at setting realistic goals but sometimes it’s good to set a goal that’s a leap. A goal that will require a major shift in my mindset and actions. I’m going to use this extra day to ponder that, to think about how much further I can get if I’m more adventurous.
So, short and sweet this week, I’m off to have a good think, to be more adventurous with my goals.

How about you. What leap do you want to make this year? My one-to-one coaching can help you gain the clarity you need to discern your unique path, the confidence to trust your decisions and the courage to move into action, to take that leap. Book a free thirty-minute call to experience coaching and to see how I could help you. To celebrate leap day I'm extending my offer of 20% off the package price into March for people on my email list, but there are only two slots available at this price so take a leap and book your call now! And if you’re not on my email list now is the time to join - link at the bottom of the page.

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