Ten highlights from the blog

Ten highlights from the blog

Over the last two years I have published over 100 blog posts and I thought it was about time I provided you with easy pointers to some of the most useful and most popular posts to help you to grow your confidence, clarity and courage to build that happy and fulfilling life we all so desire. So here are pointers to ten of my most useful posts – even if I do say so myself! Five on doing the inner work and five on taking action.

Doing the inner work

  • Cultivating resilience The last couple of years have taught us that being resilient is so important, enabling us to cope with the curve balls that life throws at us.

  • Who are you listening to? Your inner critic or your inner mentor? I’m passionate about helping women to lead the life that lights them up now, not at some undefined point in the future. To do that we have to be able to listen to and trust our own inner wisdom and that means listening to our own thoughts.

  • What makes you feel confident? The importance of doing the inner work We’ve been trained by society’s expectations to invest in the outer stuff. Every time we open a magazine or switch on the tv or our phones there are the adverts telling us we’re worth it. You are worth it. But, you’re also worth the investment in the inner work so that you aren’t holding yourself back. So that you aren’t letting insecurities, imposter syndrome, perfectionism and all the other confidence killers keep you from the life you could be living.

  • What would happen if you were kind to yourself? How many times a day do you say something negative, unkind or downright mean to yourself? Are you even conscious that you’re doing it? What would happen if you replaced that mean, negative voice with a loving supportive voice? What would happen if we spoke to ourselves the same way we speak to someone we love and respect?

  • Worrying about what other people think. There are lots of things that hold us back from doing what we really want to do but the one that comes up so often in coaching sessions is worrying about what other people think.

Taking action

  • September - Lets’s take action – it doesn’t matter what time of year it is – in the words of one reader “it’s like a free coaching session”!

  • It’s the little transformations that make a massive difference “It’s not all about massive transformations, little transformations make a massive difference!”
    One of my clients said this and it really got me thinking. My client hit the nail on the head. It is those little transformations – the changes in your thinking, behaviour and understanding of yourself - that added together make a massive difference to life.

  • Are you still waiting for permission? I know I’ve been very guilty of this in the past and I catch myself sometimes even now. Waiting for permission to go ahead and start working towards the dream that I have for myself. Waiting for permission to pursue the life that I know will make me happier. The life that lights me up. Who do I think is going to give me permission? Whose approval am I looking for? I’m a grown woman, proud of my independence and yet it still catches me out.

  • Fear of failure How often do you fail even to begin because you’re so scared of failing? As children we know that failing is a normal part of growing and learning. You're learning to ride a bike, you fall off, you get right back on again. You're learning to swim - you keep going until you can finally manage that width without a float or armbands. Or in my case you do it because as a seven-year-old you're too scared of the swimming instructor to disobey!

  • Why do we procrastinate? Lots of people think that procrastination is a form of laziness but in fact when we keep putting off the thing we want or need to do it’s rarely because we’re lazy.

I hope you find a gem or two in the above that can give you a helping hand to build your confidence and move into action this week. If you have any particular favourites among my blogs do let me know or if there is a topic you’d like me to cover either in the blog or podcast you just have to ask. I’m always open to suggestions.

A joyful Easter

A joyful Easter

A joyful spring

A joyful spring