An Intentional Spring

An Intentional Spring

Once again I’m writing this with a big glass vase of daffodils on my table. I bought the vase in the January sales as I had a vision of it filled with cheery daffodils. In fact, there are daffodils all over the house. I can’t get enough of them.

I love everything about this time of year. I especially love it when the clocks spring forward. I don’t mind missing an hour’s sleep, it’s worth it for the lighter evenings.

Even though I love this time of year I still ensure that I’m intentional so that I don’t let it pass me by unnoticed. I think that's even more important this year. With so much disruption to our daily lives and so much worry and uncertainty brought about by covid-19 spring could pass us by without us even noticing. As a a good friend posted on instagram, "spring has suddenly appeared while we were distracted!"

I’m trying to get out for a run a couple of times a week and I’m loving seeing the speed at which the nature reserve is greening up and the sounds of the birds singing.

It feels like the world is full of life, energy and colour after the winter. That’s how I want to feel too. To that end I’ve written my list of things I want to ensure I do and experience in the coming months. They include:

  • Posies of cut flowers from my garden

  • Giving the garden a good spring tidy

  • Savouring a cup of tea in the garden (even if I have to wrap up to do it)

  • Learning to cook a new seasonal recipe

  • Vases of daffodils and tulips

  • Eating a meal outside

  • Celebrating Easter

  • Rediscovering my spring wardrobe

  • Getting out for regular runs and watching the season change and develop

I’m looking forward to the energy that the lighter mornings and evenings bring me. Seeing children playing outside and hearing their laughter. Seeing neighbours now we aren’t dashing into our houses to get out of the dark and cold. I'm hoping that even with social distancing we manage to speak at least!

I intend to use this extra energy to work on the goals and projects that are important to me mixed in with plenty of downtime and fun too. I want to live by my word for the year – adventure. No, I’ve not forgotten. How about you – is your word for the year still at the forefront of your mind?

To help me to keep my attitude of adventure front and centre I’ve treated myself to a lovely bracelet from @magicwordbracelet. I love it and highly recommend getting in touch with Louby Lou at Magic Word Bracelet if you’d like your own. Every time I look down at my wrist there it is winking at me.

So how adventurous have I been so far?

Well, I went to Womanifest in Manchester. A wonderful two day event bringing together women from all walks of life for inspirational talks, workshops, catwalk shows and fun. I met some women in real life there who I’d already met online. I treated myself to a VIP ticket for both days so that I couldn’t just hide myself away at the back which is my normal behaviour in large groups of people I don’t know.

In the build up to it when I began to feel a little anxious about the event I kept reminding myself – this is an adventure – enjoy it. And it worked. No energy wasted on worry, instead I looked forward to it and turned up as my most confident self.

I specialise in helping women to build their confidence so that they too can act with courage. It’s only right that I walk my talk! I believe that we can all learn to trust ourselves. I help my clients to find clarity, build confidence and take action to create the rich, fulfilling and meaningful life they desire. For some that’s working on their side business, starting a new project or changing career. For others it’s working out how to have more freedom whilst working and parenting.

Whatever it is that you’d like to make progress on this spring why not book a complimentary coaching call to see how I can help. Click here to secure your appointment. 

What would you do if you trusted yourself?

What would you do if you trusted yourself?

