It's time to stop waiting

It's time to stop waiting

“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” Napoleon Hill

I love this quote. The first time I posted it on social media I had women from their 20s to their 70s commenting on it. It seems to speak to us all.

We wait until Monday, the New Year, until we’ve lost weight, until we get the next qualification or promotion, until the children are at school, older or leave home, until we retire, until we’ve saved more money, until we win the lottery. The list of reasons to wait is pretty much endless.

My personality type is such that I want everything to be right and in place before I start, but one of my biggest learnings over the last two years is that I need to start before I’m ready. Because, guess what? I’m never going to feel ready, especially if that new thing is out of my comfort zone. And let’s face it, most new things are outside of our comfort zone. Most goals require lots and lots of small consistent actions and so the sooner we start the better.

My challenge to you is to look at that list of things you really want to do or be or have in your life and ask yourself “What is stopping me starting now?” And then question your answers. Challenge yourself and your beliefs. Do you really need more money to get started? If you do, then what could you do to start building those funds up? Do the children really need to be older? What changes could you make at home to enable you to start now? Do you really need another qualification to start? If so, what are you doing to get that qualification finished? Do you really need more experience? If so, how are you going to get it?

Anything where the answer is that you still need to wait then make sure that it isn’t some ill-defined moment in the future or it’s not going to happen. Be intentional – your dreams for your life deserve it!
If I’d waited until I felt ready we wouldn’t have had a great free five day grow your confidence challenge in July, never mind the second one coming to an end this week. And I wouldn’t have started my group programme, Your Pathway to Confidence, Clarity and Courage in July. I’d still be writing and honing scripts for videos! Instead a group of women went through the five week programme with me and created huge shifts in their confidence, got really clear about what they wanted from life and began taking action to make it happen.

It was a fabulous experience. Here’s what Emma had to say,

“Before starting this programme I was struggling to find time to set up a small Etsy business.  My dream was to run this alongside work and family commitments.  Everyone else’s needs were always my priority, but having no time to pursue my creative ambitions often left me feeling resentful.  

Clare made me realise the importance of setting boundaries for my own needs and encouraged me to develop my Etsy shop in stages so as to make it a more manageable project.  As a result I learnt to aim for progress rather than perfection.  I now have an Etsy shop which is up and running, and don’t mind that it’s still a work in progress.  

I would highly recommend this programme to anyone who feels stuck in a rut, or who believes they do not have the time to do what truly makes them happy. Also, having the support of other women in the group was absolutely invaluable as it provided a different perspective on any issues that arose.”
- Emma, Artist and Archivist

Her Etsy shop is up and running and it’s fabulous as is her instagram feed.

And this is what Kerry had to say about the programme,

“I was struggling with having many thoughts and plans but nothing felt in focus.
The questions and prompts helped these ideas to become clearer and I’m looking forward to practising what I’ve learnt and to continue using the tools we were taught in everyday life. 

There was a lovely group of women on the programme who were encouraging, supportive and personable. Clare also has these qualities as well as great questions and knowledge.”
- Kerry, Accountant and Writer

I opened up the doors to the programme again on Wednesday.

What makes this programme so unique?
This programme is not just about building confidence. It’s not just about learning. It’s about action. It’s about taking action on the goal or project most important to you because you have the new mindset and support that will allow you to. 

  • Weeks one and two we’ll be working on your confidence so that you aren’t putting the brakes on your dreams and desires.

  • Week three we’ll be getting clear about what you value most and what you want from life so that you’re pursuing the things that will make your life rich and fulfilling.

  • Weeks four and five you'll be implementing what you’ve learned and taking action towards one of your personal goals.

I offer a limited number of places on the programme so that I can offer personal input to everyone in the group responding to questions and comments and providing advice and support.

I know we all have busy lives so everything about this course has been designed with that in mind! I’ve deliberately designed the course to be interactive and in bite size pieces.

By the end of the five weeks you’ll:

  • Be more confident so that you can trust yourself and your decisions.

  • Have a confidence toolkit - like a gym for your mind - that will help you to continue to make progress.

  • Have clarity about what you want in each area of your life so that you’re focusing on what is really important to you in order to create the life you dream of.

  • Have already begun to take courageous action towards making that your reality!

  • Be experiencing a more lit up life and well on your way to feeling more happy, joyful and fulfilled.

Imagine how great that is going to feel. No more just talking or dreaming about it. Imagine taking that newfound confidence and clarity into all areas of your life – home, work, relationships.

I want to make this as accessible as possible so the investment in yourself, your confidence and a richer more fulfilling life is just £397 for five weeks of teaching, coaching, support and growth.

The course runs from 19th October until 22nd November.
Sign up now and there's an option of two monthly payments of £207.

I'm so excited about this programme and what it can do for you.

It’s already fantastic value but as a further bonus I’m giving a free 45 minute one-to-one coaching call worth £97 to anyone who signs up before 9pm BST on Friday 9th October. So, don’t delay, click here and book your place now.

Stop waiting – the time will NEVER be just right. Instead imagine having a head start on 2021, clear about what you want and having the confidence to go for it before December even begins never mind January 1st! But remember places are limited so that I can offer a high level of support to everyone on the programme so sign up now and snap up one of those bonus one-to-one coaching sessions.

I can't wait to continue this journey of growth with you!

Feeling like an imposter

Feeling like an imposter

My Manifesto - why I do what I do!

My Manifesto - why I do what I do!