My Manifesto - why I do what I do!
I've been doing lots of exciting behind the scenes work over the last few weeks to make what I do for you bigger and better. A really enjoyable part of that has been working with a very talented brand specialist. Part of the process was sharing what I do and why. What my vision is - what my manifesto is. I loved sharing it with her and it made me realise that I haven't shared it here enough. So here it is - my manifesto - why I do what I do!
I want women to have the confidence, clarity and courage to follow their dreams. To create the life that lights them up.
I want to create a space for women where they can live intentionally, connecting with their values and inner wisdom in such a way that they are actively pursuing the goals that they really want. The goals that are grounded in what’s really important to them rather than what society or peer pressure dictates they should want or should be satisfied with. I want it to be their definition of happiness, fulfilment and success, not society’s.
I want women’s lives to feel joyful, no matter how busy or chaotic day-to-day family or work life may be because they are intentionally working towards goals that are grounded in their values and really meaningful to them and the life they want to create.
I want women to be able to follow their dreams with confidence.
I want women to stop worrying about what other people think. To know that the person’s opinion who matters most about their life choices is their own.
I want to help women to know that it’s okay to put themselves and their own needs first. That filling their own cup first is not selfish. Looking after our own needs fully makes us better able to help those around us. A happy and fulfilled woman is a happy and fulfilled partner, mother, manager, business owner, work colleague.
I want women in their middle years to see that we have decades left. Decades of living, working and loving. We have so much experience, so much to give. It is by living intentionally that we will get the most out of these years. It is by listening to our inner wisdom and discerning we can live life on our terms.
I want women to thrive on their own terms, in their own way, following their own path.
I want so much for so many and I am passionate about providing the help, resources and inspiration to get my clients and followers there.
I knew all of this – I knew my why before I knew my how. I listened to my inner wisdom and saw that coaching was the answer.
This is my manifesto. This is who I am as a coach.
This is what I'm so passionate about creating for women and so once again I’m running my free five day grow your confidence challenge in my Pathways to Possibilities facebook group the week of 5th - 9th October.
This challenge is for you if:
There are things you dream of doing if only you felt more confident
You want to boost your self-belief
You’re ready to feel more in control of your own life
You want to feel supported by other women
even if you’re super busy, feeling overwhelmed, stressed or totally uninspired by life right now!
I’ve deliberately designed the challenge with busy women in mind. There will be a short five to ten minute video to watch each morning setting that day's task. The task itself will be something that you can fit into your day with relative ease. Then I pop into the group live each evening to answer questions, offer extra insights and cheer you on!
The Sunday following the challenge everyone who fully engaged with every task will be entered into a prize draw and two lucky people will win a one-to-one coaching session with me.
Click here to secure your free place now.
This is what some of the participants had to say about the last challenge:
“Clare is very insightful and I found the five day confidence challenge a refreshing perspective! The sessions were short but impactful - ideal for a busy mum like me. I liked the recorded video in the morning and then the live opportunity to ask questions in the evening. I couldn't watch the sessions live as my daughter wasn't very well that week but this was not a problem as I could catch up in my own time!
I had a few breakthroughs about 'stories' I’d been telling myself and plenty of lightbulb moments! I learnt to trust myself more and my confidence in my ability to complete things grew!” - Laura
“Following the five day challenge I finally began to understand that the best way to be there for my family and work was to prioritise me for a proportion of my day. After all I did it for everything else in my life – why not me? Focusing on what makes me happy has put a bit of sparkle in my life making me happier, more productive and confident too! Clare has helped me massively in a very short space of time.” – Rebecca
“Thanks for running the challenge. I loved your friendly presence and encouragement in the group. The tasks were the right length for me to be able to engage and I enjoyed listening to the evening chats.
Clare has a compassionate and easy style making each person feel important and listened to, taking time to comment personally on each contribution. If you want this gentle yet personal support in your life Clare is the person to work with. Look out for her next five day challenge and see for yourself the difference it can make.” - Jeannette
Click here to secure your place on the challenge. Let’s start a confidence revolution so that we can live the lives that truly light us up!
I’m really excited about this. Who’s with me?
The link to sign up is here.
I can’t wait for this chance to support you on your journey and to get to know you better.