Sun lounger ponderings

Sun lounger ponderings

Well, perhaps not from a sun lounger – I’ve had a staycation and although several meals were eaten in the garden we didn’t quite have sunbathing weather. That said, my downtime allowed me time to be and think rather than the usual daily running around and doing all of the time. It’s at this time of year, when I stop and have a break from work that so often in the past I’ve spent the time wishing things were different and that I didn’t have to go back to the same job or flat at the end of the holiday. I know I’m not alone in this. I know that many people come back from their week or fortnight in the sun wishing that life were very different. Perhaps even with plans that this year things will be different. This will be the year they’ll change job or even career, they’ll get healthier, start that hobby they’ve always wanted to try, go back to education, move house, join a choir, learn a language … Big plans, big dreams, but it’s so easy to get caught up in normal life and nothing changes.

This year I’m happy to report that things were different – for me at least. I still reflected on my last year, where I am and where I’m going and yes, I would like things to be different, but I’m really confident that I’m already taking aligned action to get me to where I want to be. I’m clear about what I want and what I need to do to get there and I’m taking action on a daily basis.

Can you say the same? Did you, like many, return from your summer break this year determined that by this time next year things will be different? If so, what do you need to do? How are you going to get there?

Here are a few questions to help get you started. Is your goal written down? Get specific – what is it you want to achieve and by when? How are you going to get there? Work backwards from the date you want to achieve it by – if it’s in six months, where do you need to be in three months, in the next six weeks, in the next month? The more specific you are the more likely you are going to get there.

So, now you know what you want and when you want it by. What resources have you already got that can help you? Who in your life could help you? What have you already achieved that is similar? What or who helped you then?

What can you do to get you started? If you’ve worked out where you need to be in a month’s time, what actions do you need to be taking in the next fortnight?

How are you going to keep yourself accountable? How are you going to make sure that you follow through on your actions, even on the days when it is dark, cold and the last thing you feel like doing is following through on that plan?

Even when life is pretty great most of us have something that we want to work on. A dream for the future for ourselves and our families. Make sure that it doesn’t just stay a sun lounger dream. Be intentional – your dreams for your life deserve it!

Would you speak to your best friend like that?

Would you speak to your best friend like that?

How often do you do something just for fun?

How often do you do something just for fun?