All tagged values

Choosing the bigger life

I’ve written before that we don’t know how long we’ve got and we should be making the most of our time, not putting off the things we really want to experience. I call this choosing the bigger life. It’s a phrase that Gretchen Rubin, the writer and podcaster uses a lot. She says that when she has a tough decision to make she tells herself to choose the bigger life. It's a wonderful phrase that, for me, encapsulates the idea of a richer and more expansive life. I know that I’m always at my happiest when my life feels expansive rather than contracted, but sometimes I feel that despite being busy my life feels like it has contracted.

No one thing is going to fix your life

This week I want to share my thoughts on a topic that I've been pondering for a little while now, the idea that we can fix our lives if we just sort out this one thing, or achieve that one goal. Remember all those fairy tales we were read as children where the knight in shining armour rides up in the nick of time and rescues the beautiful princess? We grow up but those stories are part of our DNA. The idea that one person or one thing can sweep in and fix all of our problems. As we grow older the rescuer may change but the idea is still there.

What is coaching?

This week I thought I'd share a little about what coaching is as I realise I talk about it a lot but there are many definitions of what it is and misunderstandings of how it works.