All tagged self awareness

What is confidence?

The dictionary definition is “the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something”. In other words, in order to have confidence in yourself, you have to have faith in yourself, you have to trust yourself. And for me, this is at the heart of it.

Are you living as though you have endless tomorrows?

September is my birthday month and something dawned on me last week. My dad died when he was only 19 years older than I’ll be this weekend. And that shocked me - to the core! My immediate thought was, "Am I living as though I've less than two decades left?" And my gut reaction was no, absolutely not. A week on I’ve had time to reflect and the answer is still the same.

Lesson learnt

I run as much for my mental health as for my physical health. Running outside, especially by water reduces my stress and helps me think creatively. So why did I go five whole months without running this year?

Would you speak to your best friend like that?

How many times a day do you say something negative, unkind or downright mean to yourself? Are you even conscious that you’re doing it? What would happen if you replaced that mean, negative voice with a loving supportive voice? What would happen if we spoke to ourselves the same way we speak to someone we love and respect?

How often do you do something just for fun?

How often do we let ourselves do something just for the pure enjoyment? If I’m honest my answer is not very often. Yes, I’ve just had a lovely break during which I devoted my waking hours to relaxing and enjoying myself, but how often do I do that during my normal week?

How do you celebrate?

A really fun part of my job is getting to hear about my clients’ successes. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. If a woman is a step closer to the life she wants to lead, the way she wants her life to be, that’s worth celebrating. That said, my clients, more often than not, are thrown the first time I ask, “How did you celebrate?” It brings them up short.