Do you know what motivates you? Why knowing your values is crucial for motivation and goal setting.

Do you know what motivates you? It seems a simple enough question, but the answer can be many layered.

We often think that we’re motivated by things or achievements – having more money, a bigger house, a better car, nice holidays, a promotion. But, when we dig below the surface very few of us are motivated by these material things. What we are motivated by is our values. That’s not to say that we can’t or shouldn’t have material goals, but we should know how they fit with our personal values.

Celebrating four years in business

A blog with a difference this week. I can hardly believe it but it’s four years since I set up my instagram account and launched Clare Walsh Coaching into the world. My website, blog and weekly email launched soon after and I’m very aware that some of you have been with me from the start. And what a four years it’s been. A global pandemic and a cancer diagnosis thrown into the mix. Thank goodness we don’t know what’s heading our way because if I had known would I have been brave enough to pursue my dream?

I was really surprised when I realised it’s my 4th business birthday. But of course last year I didn’t celebrate as I was still having time off to recover from treatment. So, to make up for this, I’ve decided to go all in on the celebrations this year. I’m giving you a 50% discount on my two digital products and my Confidence Jump-start.

Unlocking the secret to a happier and healthier life: the importance of fun

Today I want to do two things. First I want to remind you to check in with any intentions, goals or resolutions you set yourself at the start of the year. How are they going? Are you making progress. If you aren’t is it because the intention or goal you set is no longer relevant and you need a rethink? Or do you need a reset? Think about why it hasn’t been happening and ways you can get yourself moving in the right direction again. If it’s going really well still have a think about what you’ve been doing so that you stay focused and on track.

And the second thing I want to do is to explore the concept of fun, its importance, and how we can have more fun in our lives. Because even if it isn’t your word for the year, it’s still really important that it’s part of your daily life.

Managing the chaos: six effective strategies to deal with overwhelm

Today I’m sharing six concrete methods we can use to help us when we’re feeling overwhelmed. And I say we because I’ve been there. The methods below have helped me and my clients.

Now the nature of overwhelm is that everything feels too much and so it is very easy to be offered ways to deal with it and decide you can’t do that because you’re too overwhelmed and then it becomes a vicious circle. Bearing this in mind I’m not providing a step by step you have to do this, then this, then this. Instead think of this as a pick and mix of things that work.

Three ways to start improving your self-worth today

Last month I devoted episode 53 of Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh to self-worth. As I know that not everyone listens to the podcast I thought it about time we covered the topic here too. Read on to find out how we should measure our self-worth and easy ways we can give it a boost!

Celebrating spring

Twelve months ago, almost to the day, my blog post was called “A joyful spring”. I was still a month away from the end of radiotherapy and had no idea how much more exhausted I was going to get and yet there was so much hope and joy in my heart as the days were getting longer, the spring bulbs were bursting with colour and it was just a week until the clocks would spring forward to British Summer Time.

Spring is my favourite time of year and I have to say that even when things are difficult, whether that be a worldwide pandemic, cancer treatment or even family bereavement, spring is capable of stirring hope in my heart. Not just hope but real belief that things can and will get better. I know that getting outside and breathing in the fresh air, moving my body, listening to the birdsong and taking the time to notice the new life springing up everywhere will ground me and make me feel better.

International Women's Day 2023

It’s International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March and this year we’re being encouraged to embrace equity and “imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality.”

What are your dreams for this year?

We’re halfway through February already. I say, already, but I know I’m not alone in feeling like January lasted three and a half months! Anyway, as I said, half way through February. Did you choose an intention for the year or set New Year resolutions? How’s it going?

I chose fun as my intention/word for the year and I have to admit that January was more trying than fun but I did my best to make sure I made some time for the experiences, people and things that I find fun. If like me you feel you could do with a bit of a reset and refocus on your intention or goals for this year here are a few pointers to get you moving forward.

Ten ways to fix a bad day

Let’s face it we all have bad days. Sometimes for no apparent reason, we feel like we’ve got out of the wrong side of bed and can’t put our finger on why it feels like the world is out to get us. My brother-in-law has a word for it – being on a stressipice – the precipice of all out stress. Whatever form your bad day takes there are things we can do about it so today I’m sharing my ten ways you can fix a bad day and improve your mood!

As always it’s a pick and mix – try my suggestions and see what works best for you.

Nurture not torture - Upping our self-care

Decades ago a travel company came up with the gimmick of calling the third Monday in January blue Monday – supposedly the most miserable Monday of the year. Gimmick or not I know a lot of us feel a little blue on January Mondays heading into the new working week. I have to confess that there have been January Mondays when, despite being in a job I loved, I started the day with a little cry at home! With this is mind I decided that this would be a great week for us to focus on upping the self-care and really nurturing ourselves.

Happy Christmas

The week is finally upon us! Another year is almost over and we gather to celebrate, to feast as generations before us have gathered. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Winter Solstice or just surviving another year I wish you every joy and happiness.

Advent musings

Despite this being one of the darkest months of the year I do love the build up to Christmas. Rather than bemoaning the fact it’s dark and cold I choose to embrace the warmth of Christmas excitement, fairy lights, candles, rehearsals for carol services. In fact I’m singing in a carol service this weekend.

The four steps to forgiving yourself

“Like most men I am amazingly good at forgiving myself.” John Simpson.

In May I devoted a podcast episode to the importance of forgiving yourself triggered by the above Guardian headline. It really got me thinking about myself and the women in my life. Are we amazingly good at forgiving ourselves? Are you?

I’m aware that not everyone who reads the blog listens to the podcast and as it’s such an important topic I wanted to share it here too.

Honouring memories of loved ones

I think the level of national mourning with huge queues to walk past the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II showed that honouring and remembering the dead is not confined to any nationality, religion or creed. It’s a human instinct to remember. We have evolved as humans telling stories to help us remember our past and our ancestors.

Breast cancer awareness - lessons and resources

This time last year I was in my first month of chemotherapy and feeling overwhelmed. Trying to engage with Breast Cancer Awareness month was pretty much beyond me. I was too busy living it. This year I want to make sure that I’m using the platform I have to raise some all important awareness by sharing the lessons I have learnt, useful resources and giving you the confidence to check yourself and get your loved ones to do the same and to seek help should you need it.

What's your why?

In my blog at the beginning of the month I wrote about how September is a chance for a fresh new start and took you through ways to identify what you want to achieve and how to start taking the steps to get yourself there.

One of the things I talked about in that blog was ways of keeping yourself accountable. How are you getting on? We’re half way through October – are you taking the action you promised yourself you would?

If not, fear not! I’ve got you!

Planning for joy!

Before beginning to write this blog I looked back over my autumn posts for the last few years and realised that it was this time last year that I finally told you about my cancer diagnosis. Despite the fact I was about to head into the unknown I still chose to ask myself what would bring me joy during autumn.

Looking back, though I thought my curated list of small pleasures would be quite easy to fulfil even during chemo I was wrong. There were things that were way beyond my energy levels – the spring bulbs never got ordered, never mind planted. Things that I would usually enjoy – like a glass of red wine or lovely scented candles – that my sense of smell and taste said a resounding no to. But all that said, I got to the end of the year and chose joy as my word for 2022. Even though I knew the chemo wasn’t over and the radiotherapy was yet to come I had not given up on joy. On finding the awe and wonder in the everyday.

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II

In the days since the death of Queen Elizabeth the theme that has come up again and again on the television, in the news and social media posts is that of service. The Queen saw herself as the servant Queen, servant to God and her people often signing off messages with “Your servant, Elizabeth R.”

This is a woman who was naturally shy and reticent and yet touched the lives of so many through her words and actions. She served her people right up until the day she died, continuing to meet government ministers, attend Privy Council meetings and dealing with those endless red boxes of government papers. I just can’t imagine continuing to work in any capacity in my 90s, never mind to that level.

September - an opportunity for a fresh start

For many people September is the other New Year. In the northern hemisphere the new school year begins and it feels like a fresh new start as life begins again after the lazier days of summer. I encouraged you all, both through my podcast and blog to slow down over the summer. To make the most of the opportunity to take life at your own pace and on your terms and I practiced what I preached choosing to take the summer off from both the blog and podcast.

For many of us when we slow down and take a break from our usual routines we find ourselves considering our lives. In the past I've referred to this as sun lounger ponderings although given the fact that the British summer can be far from sunny at times they don’t always take place on a sun lounger!

Last September I shared some concrete ways you can use this time to reflect on what you want and move yourself forward with your goals and I thought it would be worth revisiting these.

So, if having had a break from your normal routine you have reflected on the changes you’d like to make in the coming year here are my tips to get yourself started.